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Review: Atelier Ryza: The Manga: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout

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Title: Atelier Ryza: The Manga: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout

Author: Gust, Riichu

Series: Book 1

Rating★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Note:I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Even though everyone has them, the memories we create with our friends are special to each and every one of us…

Enter the world of Atelier Ryza, where a wild and tomboyish young girl has her entire world turned upside down during an extraordinary encounter. An unforgettable adventure awaits Ryza and her friends. Based on the original RPG video game!

A perfect companion to UDON Entertainment’s Atelier Ryza 1 & 2: Official Visual Collections

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I picked up this book because I recently bought the game and was curious to get a preview of what I was getting into. I was really impressed with the art quality; it’s stunning and so detailed. 

I also really loved the character development that each character went through in the book. I was surprised at how well it was done. Each character felt unique, had their own goals, and challenges to face. Ryza was definitely the glue holding the group together. She was likable, honorable, loyal, and determined. I’m glad that Bos was given more depth than being a simple bully. I liked this angle and enjoyed seeing him grow as well. 

The story had good pacing. It covered a lot of information about the backstory of the island without feeling overwhelming. I loved the complex history and how all the characters were determined to set things right. 

The ending was a little bittersweet, but I’m sure that the friends will reunite. I would definitely want to read any future volumes simply because of the beautiful art alone. I recommend this to any fans of some lighthearted fantasy!


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