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T5W: Hidden Gems in Your Favorite Genre

Loving this week’s Top 5 Wednesday post ❤ I’m always down to feature some of my favorite books! Mixed it up with some 2017 and pre-2017 books. So let’s get to it!

Hidden Gems in Your Favorite Genre 


1) Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

I say this all the time with this book, but it’s really perfect because it’s a book about book lover for book lovers. How perfect is that? It’s a future where the Great Library of Alexandria was never destroyed and now it controls all knowledge. It’s like everyone gets these tablets but owning an actual original book is forbidden. I love it ❤

2) The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli

This one was an ARC I was lucky enough to get and I completely fell in love! It has an amazing storytelling quality to it and the characters were interesting. I loved the character development and where the plot was going. I’m really looking forward to seeing where this one goes next!

3) Mind Games by Kiersten White

Another of my favorite authors ❤ This was the first series of hers I read. I fell in love with her writing and character development. The story for this one also really pulled me in because it was about two sisters pretty much trying to survive this big bad organization and look out for one another. So much love ❤

4) Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore

Okay, so this one is about a man who’s in love with Death aka Suzie and it’s super funny. Perfect if you love dark humor! He’s on a journey to earn eternal life so he can be with her forever, and it goes through several of his lives. His stories about his past lives are great lol ❤

5) Lost Boy by Christina Henry

This is one of my favorite retellings ever. It was so much creepier and darker than I expected for a Peter Pan retelling and I loved every second of reading it. After I finished I immediately went to look up her other books and bought the first one in her Alice series ❤





10 thoughts on “T5W: Hidden Gems in Your Favorite Genre

  1. The fourth book sounds pretty awesome! I’ve been really into things related to Death and the Grim Reaper (thanks to Scythe but I’m not complaining! lol.) I’ll have to check it out!
    Plus can I just say that YA as a whole has been really upping their game in terms of covers. Like daaaamn!


    1. I hope you do! Book 2 was a really good sequel! The author of Lost Boys is supposed to be coming out with a dark retelling of The Little Mermaid this year so I’m really excited for that as well 😀

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