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Book Haul: February 2018

Whoops, kinda forgot to do this Saturday so I’m doing it now haha xP


Physical Books

February 2018 Haul.jpg




Ebook Haul February 2018.png


The Highlights

Zodiac: Ever since I first saw these books I knew I had to get my hands on them. 1) Look at those gorgeous covers 2) Ummm, zodiac themed? Heck yes! They’ve been on my TBR forever but when I was between jobs I decided to get them during a Barnes & Noble sale as a way to cheer myself up. Worked great by the way lol.

Maria V. Snyder: Lourdes is totally freaking obsessed with this author so she shoved them in my face when she found them at our last Book Off trip. And to be honest, I’m curious about the books so I got them haha. 

Princess Diaries: I loved the movies and I’ve just always been curious about the books. I found all these for $1 each so I decided there was no better time to check them out!

Olivia Twist: I love books that are retellings or inspired by other literature so I really wanted to check this one out ❤ I originally tried to request an ARC but was denied (oh well, it happens) so I bought it once I got my new job ❤





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