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Book Haul: July 2018


I got some really good deals this month! And this makes me officially caught up on my book hauls again!

Physical Books

july book haul 2018


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The Highlights

 Kiss of the Royal: The cover for this one definitely won me over at first, but it was the story that got me to buy it. Okay, also the fact that it was on sale for $1.99 haha.

Contagion: This one sounds super creepy and interesting! I can’t wait to get to it! ❤ 

Sanctuary: This is another one that I’m dying to get to. I really like the story for it and I love the cover as well!

Vicious: Yessss, after I read her Monster of Verity duology with This Savage Song and Our Dark Duet… bruh, I had to get my hands on the rest of her books ❤

Everlife: This is a series I really want to check out. I haven’t finished her White Rabbit Chronicles series yet (Alice in Zombieland, Through the Zombie Glass) and it didn’t really impress me or anything, but it was still kinda fun and I’m hoping her new stuff is better. Especially because the covers are amazing ❤

Jane Unwrapped: Okay, I totally love their Chicago Falcons series (Just One of the Boys, Just One of the Royals) so I’m really looking forward to reading this one. It sounds funny and cute!

Bright We Burn: Oh. My. God. I can’t wait to see how this series ends. I’m super nervous but excited too. Ahhhh ❤ 

To Kill a Kingdom: I love The Little Mermaid so I thought this one would be super cool. It’s pretty much a dark retelling of The Little Mermaid ❤

The Midnight Dance: My friend is completely in love with this book so I figured it was something I had to get haha.

The Hazel Wood: Ahhhh! I loved this book! I was lucky enough to review the ARC and then I decided that I needed a copy of the book because I liked it so much ❤

The Hunger Games: And finally, these were an awesome bonus gift from my best friend ❤ I love this series and she’s not really that into it so she let me have her special Fluro copies of The Hunger Games ❤

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ARCs: Love me some NetGalley ARCs ❤

#Murdertrending: I love the concept for the book but I’m also really interested in the whole wrongly accused of something and having to prove their innocence aspect ❤

Beneath the Citadel: The cover for this book is gorgeous! Definitely, the first thing that pulled me to this book, but the synopsis also seems great and I’m excited to start this one!

Like Never and Always: I’ve wanted to read her other series so it seemed pretty great to start this one when I saw it on NetGalley.

Siren’s Lure: Love the cover for this one. I know this is kinda further into the series but I wanted to read the novella and see how I like the writing style.

Star-Crossed: Stunning cover and the story doesn’t seem too bad either. It’s a little strange with the whole food/pill aspect, but I think it could be pretty good.

Seafire: I’m always down to read about pirates so this one got my attention right away. It’s got an all-girl crew too, so I’m excited to see some strong female characters. And the cover is pretty too ❤




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