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Thursday Quotables: The Burning Shadow


Hello guys, and welcome to another Thursday Quotables post!

Thursday Quotables was created by @Bookshelf Fantasies and it’s basically a post to share a quote or passage from your reading that week that you thought was funny, interesting, or that you just enjoyed in some way.

This week I’m sharing a passage from The Burning Shadow by Jennifer L. Armentrout:

“I am not walking away again. If I kiss you, if I touch you again, I will not be able to go back to the way things are now.” The next breath he took trembled as much as I was. “I won’t be able to pretend that you aren’t my everything”.”


I’m almost done with this book but oh my god, I loooove Luc. He’s just so… cheesy and adorable. The romance in this book is everything for me. I love all of his silly shirts, the dorky pickup lines, the romantic and sometimes funny surprises that he does for Evie. Plus, their tragic history together makes me love them even more. I was hardcore rooting for them in the first book and even more in The Burning Shadow now that we knew more. I can’t wait to finish this book and I hope that things work out for them because I need this ship so bad in my life lol!


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