Book Memes · WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @TakingOnAWorldOfWords. All you have to do is answer three simple questions:

 What are you currently reading?

 What did you recently finish reading?

 What do you think you’ll read next?


What Are You Currently Reading

I’ve read every other book from Sarah J. Maas, so now all I have left to do to catch up on her stuff is read Catwoman: Soulstealer, so that’s exactly what I plan to do! I’ve never been into comics or superheroes/supervillains very much. I’ve seen some movies and stuff like that but never been obsessed with it. Still, I remember watching the Catwoman movie and falling in love with it so I’m looking forward to seeing Sarah J. Maas’s take on this character.

I started a little of The Lost City but I got sidetracked with another book. Now that I’m done though I’m going to be focusing a lot more on this one. I’m really not far enough in to make a judgment call on this, but I hope I’ll be able to share more soon.

And the last book I’m reading at the moment is Unravel the Dusk. I’m starting Unravel the Dusk and really excited to see how the series continues in this book.  The first book blew me away and I need to see how Maia deals with everything after that crazy ending to Spin the Dawn.


What did you Recently Finish Reading

The Burning Shadow was my latest read and it was long overdue. Seriously, I loooooove Luc in this book. The romance in this series is so cheesy and dorky and just totally awesome ❤ It took me a bit to get into the plot and I had so many theories and questions throughout the book, but it was totally worth it. Looking forward to getting the review out soon.

I also finished The Black Key recently, which brings me to the end of The Lone City series. It was such a great series! I loved the characters and worldbuilding–even if the romance wasn’t the best (Ash got a little too whiny for me starting in book two). The ending was great and hopeful even if it didn’t answer every single question. I definitely recommend it!

And the other book that I finished recently was The Women’s War. The worldbuilding was awesome in this book and I loved the gender inequality elements to the story. I loved all the characters in the story and all the obstacles they faced in the aftermath of the spell that was cast. The ending was intense and I’m super excited to start the second book!


What do You Think You’ll Read Next

Next month one of the goodreads groups I’m in, Devour Your TBR will be focused catching up on ARCs you’ve received so in prep for that I need to read Courting Darkness since I received a copy of the second book on NetGalley. 

Another ARC I’m going to be reading as soon as I finish the first book (The Lost City), is The Morning Flower.

And the last book I’m planning to read in the recent future is the Court of Lions. This is the sequel to Mirage. It’s been a while since I’ve read it so I might have to refresh my memory by re-reading my old review or looking up some summaries, but I do remember enjoying the book and hopefully just starting the book will also help me remember the events of the first book.



What are you reading?


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