Book Memes · Thursday Quotables

Thursday Quotables: Bone Crier’s Moon


Hello guys, and welcome to another Thursday Quotables post!

Thursday Quotables was created by @Bookshelf Fantasies and it’s basically a post to share a quote or passage from your reading that week that you thought was funny, interesting, or that you just enjoyed in some way.

This week I’m sharing a passage from Bone Crier’s Moon by Kathryn Purdie:

Bastien’s scream raged as guttural as a grown man’s. It carved his chest hollow with pain he would harbor for years. 

He ran onto the bridge, collapsed beside his father, and met the woman’s falsely sorry eyes. She glanced behind her at another woman at the bridge’s end, who beckoned with a hasty hand. 

The first woman lifted the bloody bone knife to her palm, like she meant to cut herself to complete the ritual. But with one last look at Bastien, she cast the knife into the forest and fled, leaving the boy with a dead father and a lesson seared forever in his memory:

Believe every story you hear.


I’m excited to be starting this one! I’ve been wanting to read it since it’s release and I always thought it had a gorgeous cover. Plus the whole idea of these women that ferry the dead that have to kill their true love is really twisted and fascinating to me. 

I think the prologue sets the story up perfectly. We not only get to see one of these powerful women in action but we also see the effects in a way with the child that’s left behind. I’m really curious to get to Bastien’s pov because I’m only two chapters in so far so I’ve only read Ailesse and Sabine so far. 

But so far, I’m intrigued and can’t wait to see how the story progresses!


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