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TBR: March 2021

  • The OCD WOrkbook For Teens
  • The DBT Skills Workbook For Teen Self-Harm
  • Phoenix Flame
  • Fragile Remedy
  • Namesake
  • Bones of a Saint
  • The Ever After
  • A Sky Beyond the Storm
  • Skyhunter
  • Lore
  • Stormbreak
  • The Mermaid
  • Addicted to YA
    • Everless
    • An Enchantment of Ravens
    • A Court of Silver Flames
  • Devour Your TBR: “Monstrous March”
    • A Court of Silver Flames

I’m actually super proud of myself for reading 4 of my books last month because for a while I’ve been in a reading slump and only getting 1 or 2 books read a month. I’m really hoping this means I can start getting more books read so I can catch up on my reading goal for the year. 

Though I have quite a few ARCs being released this month, my main focus is going to be on Namesake because it’s the second book in the duology and I’m really trying to keep up my habit of finish/staying current with series that I’ve started. Plus, I really loved the first book and can’t wait to see what happens in this one!

I’m also really close to being done with The Ever After! I gotta say, out of all three books this one probably moved the fastest, but I still felt like the characters were painfully flat.

I kind of started A Sky Beyond the Storm last month, but I only got about a chapter into it because I knew that if I got too far into it I’d get sucked in and not finish the other book (an ARC) that I was reading at the time.

Of course, I also threw Skyhunter back in the mix because the sample I read a while back was so great that I’ve been itching to read the full thing ever since. 

Lore is another one that I’m excited to get to. It’s all about greek mythology which I am a huuuuuge fan of. It also reminds me a little bit of Jenna Black’s Nikki Glass series (which I loved).

Continuing my whole finishing-series-thing, I added Stormbreak to my list again. I know a lot of these books have carried over through the months haha. But I am determined to finish all the series I’ve started before I get crazy jumping into new ones!

And then, I added another Christina Henry book, The Mermaid, so that I can catch up on her works.

The last three books are buddy reads going on this month on goodreads in Addicted to YA. The first is Everless, which is a book I’ve been interested in reading in the past so I thought I’d try to get to it this month.

Then I also have An Enchantment of Ravens–which I’ve heard is not nearly as good as her Sorcery of Thorns book, but I want to read it regardless (because I was totally obsessed with Sorcery of Thorns).

I didn’t get to A Court of Silver Flames last month so I definitely have to get to it this month. I want to avoid getting too far behind in my series and I know the longer I put it off the harder it’ll be to remember everything that went down in the previous books haha. 

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8 thoughts on “TBR: March 2021

      1. Yeah, I just made it to 60% and its so intense! So many things going on! It reminds me of Six of Crows a little with all the scheming haha

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You’re right, there is so much scheming going on! I finished it and really enjoyed it! I actually haven’t read Six of Crows yet. Do you recommend starting with that one or with Shadow and Bone?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I finished it too, it was so good!

        And personally, I read SoC first and found I enjoyed SoC a lot more than Shadow and Bone so I would say start with SoC (I didn’t find it hard to follow or anything). Especially if you like the scheming aspect, SoC will be a good transition.

        Liked by 1 person

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