General Updates · Thursday Quotables

Thursday Quotables: A Sky Beyond the Storm


Hello guys, and welcome to another Thursday Quotables post!

Thursday Quotables was created by @Bookshelf Fantasies and it’s basically a post to share a quote or passage from your reading that week that you thought was funny, interesting, or that you just enjoyed in some way.

This week I’m sharing a passage from A Sky Beyond the Storm by Sabaa Tahir:

A lifetime passes as I walk across the pic, over the rotting flesh of the dead. I know I will never speak of these moments to anyone. For they have changed something inside irrevocably. If I do not kill Grimarr at the end of this, this will be where I die too, and I will deserve it, because I did not avenge the injustice done to all those whom I tread upon now.


I’m about halfway through the book and so invested in seeing it through to the end! I’ve come to love all these characters so much and at this point in the story I’m so eager to see if Helene will embrace her role as a leader. I thought this passage was so powerful in the way that it showed her character. That she wanted to stop and help the people that were still alive, but she found the strength to ignore them in order to avenge them and their people instead. She’s so determined to fight until her last breath for her people. She’s proven time and time again that she’s strong enough to take charge if only she isn’t afraid to shoulder the responsibility–I just hope she sees it soon. Honestly, such a great scene and I can’t wait to read more!


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