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TBR: March 2022

  • When Anxiety Makes You Angry
  • Gilded Serpent
  • Steelstriker
  • The Brightest Night
  • All the Wandering Light
  • The Shyness and Sociel Anxiety Workbook For Teens
  • Glass Sword
  • Vespertine
  • Bone Crier’s Dawn
  • Buddy Read
    • The Awakening

Didn’t get to read as much as January, but February was still a good month! I’m still on track to reach my reading goal (I’m actually a bit ahead and I’d like to keep it that way lol). So I’m hoping to split the difference this month and do a little more even if I’m not entirely sure with how busy I’ll be that I’ll get to read my whole list. 

Naturally, about half the books on my list this month are familiar because I’ve carried them over to my TBR this month. Instead of repeating myself, I’ll just say that The Awakening is a buddy read with a friend. Steelstriker, All the Wandering Light, The Brightest Night, and Gilded Serpent are all sequels or the last in a series that I’m trying to finish. And then The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook was a NetGalley ARC.

The books that are new to my list are When Anxiety Makes You Angry, which is another nonfiction teen self-help book. I’ve seen more and more of them show up on NetGalley so I’ve been snagging them because I love that there’s more resources for teens and I also find them incredibly useful for finding tips to work with the kids at my job. 

I also added Glass Sword because it’s seriously long overdue that I continue that series. It’s been quite a while so I’m probably going to have to hunt down some summaries haha. 

I’m also excited to be checking out Margaret Rogerson’s new book, Vespertine. I seriously love her writing! I know the bookish community has been kinda hot and cold about her books. Most people didn’t like An Enchantment of Ravens but really loved Sorcery of Thorns. Personally, I loved both (you should really check out my reviews on both) so I’m fully expecting to love her new book too. I have high expectations for it and can’t wait to see what wonderful tale she’s got in store for me ❤

And finally, I have Bone Crier’s Dawn because I really enjoyed the first book and I need to catch up on the series while it’s still pretty fresh in my head.

All in all, I think I have a pretty great lineup for this month and I can’t wait to share my thoughts!

Happy Reading!

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3 thoughts on “TBR: March 2022

    1. I’m almost done woth Vespertine and I have to say it’s really good! It’s different from her other books because there’s not a focus on romance but I enjoyed it! Thanks and good luck with your reading too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s fantastic to hear, thanks.. now I just have to get my hands on it.
        I just started ‘The Maid’ by Nita Prose and so far? I’m really liking it, thanks!


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