Book Memes · WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @TakingOnAWorldOfWords. All you have to do is answer three simple questions:

 What are you currently reading?

 What did you recently finish reading?

 What do you think you’ll read next?


What Are You Currently Reading

I’m almost finished with The Brightest Night! I’ve been meaning to get back to this series. I can honestly say it’s been pretty fun overall, though I think I like this book a lot more than the previous ones. Not that they were awful or anything, I just think I love having more romance in this one. Plus, I think Evie takes on a more active role in her own story this time around. Definitely made it more enjoyable to see her grow!


What Did You Recently Finish Reading

I mean… saying “finish” is kind of strong. I DNF’d Spells Trouble at about 15%. I just wasn’t feeling the book. I thought the way the twins talked to their mom was a little cringy. Right off the bat there was too much talk about sex and it reminded me of House of Night. Nothing necessarily wrong if brought up in the right way (obviously spicy scenes and all that can be great) but the conversations felt so awkward and forced. Plus, I was buried in info right off the bat under the guise of a “ritual”. I felt like I should’ve been taking notes which is never a good sign. 


What Do You Think You’ll Read Next

Considering I’m trying very hard to finish series that I’ve started, I think I’ll be picking up Steelstriker next since it’s only a duology and I can cross another series off my list once I finish it. Plus, the way the first book ended had me on the edge of my seat and I’m really anxious to see what happens!


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3 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday

      1. The romance is what worries me. I tend to be so picky about it.. but I am looking forward to reading this one!

        And any time 😊
        I hope you have a beautiful week!


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