
Review: The Bullying Workbook for Teens

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Title: The Bullying Workbook for Teens

Author: Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, Julia Taylor, and Haley Kilpatrick

Series: N/A

Rating★ ★ ★ ★

Being a teenager is difficult enough without having to worry about bullying. If you have experienced bullying or cyberbullying, you aren’t alone. Bullying and cyberbullying are at an all-time high, and the effects of both can be tremendous for a young person who is already dealing with major school, life, and home stressors.

The Bullying Workbook for Teens incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help ease anxiety, fear, stress, and other emotions associated with being bullied. The workbook is made up of 42 step-by-step self-help activities designed to help you learn anti-bullying tips and strategies, manage emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, and depression, and learn constructive communication skills to help you express your feelings.

With this workbook as your guide, you will also learn how to identify toxic friendships, how to build your own self-confidence, and importantly, how to ask for help when bullying gets out of control. The exercises in this book are designed to be useful in everyday situations, so that you gain helpful tools to help you combat bullying or cyberbullying in your life. Bullying can happen to anyone, but there is hope to make a change and stand up for yourself, once and for all.

If you are experiencing bullying, this book will offer sound psychological support to help you gain confidence in yourself and in your interactions with others. It is also a great resource for parents, educators, and counseling professionals.

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The Bullying Workbook for Teens is another great resource for today’s teens. It’s the kind of book I wish would have been available to me growing up. It explains the science behind its tips and provides a wide array of tools for teens. It’s not as simple as “ignoring” the bully or telling an adult. I found it helpful and informative without seeming overwhelming or patronizing.

The book started with the basics. It went into what bullying is and what different types of it can look like. It explains why bullying may happen and even what its effects may look like.

From there, the book goes into different ways to deal with bullying (especially online). It gives you alternate ways to release your emotions without feeding into the bullying or giving the bully more ammo. I think the best thing this book does is teach teens how to be confident and strong so that they can overcome bullying. It makes you think things through and encourages you to create plans for everyday scenarios so that you always have a plan in place to deal with different situations.

It also talks about the importance of taking care of your mental and physical health to promote overall health. I really liked this holistic approach to bullying.

Overall, this was a book that provided great tips and tricks that I think teens will find useful. I highly recommend it!


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