About Me



Hey, everyone! Welcome to my book blog! My name’s Elizabeth but I go by Liz or Lizzie

I’m a college graduate (#classof2017 <3) and I started up this blog as a way to deal with the stress of my final year of school. Reading is something I really enjoyed as a kid and then even later as a teen but I just never had the time (or money) for it. When I took a counseling class we had a chance to learn about ourselves and how we can find healthy ways to deal with stress.

Art is one of my main ways, and you’re likely to see some of my drawings posted here from time to time–I try to do some fanart once in a while.

Reading was another way that was brought up and I thought “Hey, I should really get back into reading. I miss it”. And so I decided that one of my New Year’s resolutions was to read more and–with a little pushing from my bestie Lourdes–I decided to make a blog to track my progress. I started up this blog on June 11, 2016.

I mostly read Young Adult books, but occasionally delve into the Adult section as well. My favorite genres are probably FantasyHorror, Romance, Dystopian, and Thriller/Mystery.

I am a bit of a book hoarder and am struggling to contain my book shopping habit because I am literally running out of room to put books. I just love them too much and there are so many good books out there (and more that keep coming out) that I want to read! So while I own about a million physical books I don’t even want to know how many I own in ebook format (because it’s honestly probably double whatever I physical copies I own).

I’m a reviewer on NetGalley as well. I post updates on my current reads on Goodreads but my blog is really where I get into my reviews as I go in-depth to discuss everything from the cover designs to the plot, writing, and characters.

I’m open to working with authors or publishers that need someone to review their books. Just please head on over here to see my Review Policy before you submit a request. I usually reply within a day or two and let you know if I’m interested or able to review your book.

Also, feel free to follow me on my social media accounts ❤ I’d love to make some new friends and it’s a great way to stay up to date on what I’m reading or planning to read next (click the icons below!).

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my blog!


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