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Spotlight: Spellbound + Excerpt

Featured Book An enchanted Rose spellbound to a greenhouse prison.  Cursed to live within the glass walls of a greenhouse for her entire life, sixteen-year old Rose has finally reached her breaking point. She had to escape before she lost her mind. But life outside the protective glass was filled with perils of its own.… Continue reading Spotlight: Spellbound + Excerpt

Book Memes · General Updates · Spotlight

Spotlight: Wildcat

Wildcat by J.P. Harker Wildcat is Book One of the Caledon Saga – a Fantasy series set in a world inspired by Iron Age Wales and Imperial Rome.  Both Wildcat and Book Two of the saga (Leaping Wolf) are currently available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle.  Book Three (Lion Cub) will be out this… Continue reading Spotlight: Wildcat

Book Memes · General Updates · Spotlight

Spotlight: T. A. Chan (Guest Post)

Featured Author Relationships are funny, if not simply for the vast array of types: sworn-mortal-enemies, siblings, platonic friends, and of course, romantic ones. The origin for Of Silver and Stars actually started out as a challenge for myself: I wanted to write a YA novel featuring a male and female main character that didn’t involve… Continue reading Spotlight: T. A. Chan (Guest Post)

Book Memes · General Updates · Spotlight

Spotlight: Snow City + Excerpt

SNOW CITY by G. A. Kathryns G. A. Kathryns is an award-winning author of novels and short stories. Her latest release SNOW CITY is a novel of hope and magical realism. SNOW CITY is a dreamlike journey into the life of a woman who has given up on a dystopian reality and fabricated her idea… Continue reading Spotlight: Snow City + Excerpt

Book Memes · General Updates · Spotlight

Spotlight: The King’s Peace

Welcome to Spotlight Hey everyone! I decided to add a new type of post to my blog this year to kind of help manage the number of review requests that I take. Sometimes I know I shouldn’t accept a request because I have so many other books to read but the book sounds so good… Continue reading Spotlight: The King’s Peace